Your biggest challenge is not the ache in your muscles nor the feeling of being out of breath, it is your mindset. Your mind is the most powerful thing, it can either destroy you or it can bring you success and allow you to reach your full potential. My mission is to show you how you can strengthen your mind and your body to become the person you dream of being.


Just like any teenage girl I was shy, lacked a bit of self confidence and didn’t really consider having self-respect, I didn’t even know self-respect was a thing. I was raised on a small island in Thailand called Koh Samui. I grew up on the beach, hiking in the jungle and in a place where people always come and go. Koh Samui is a huge tourist destination so there was always a cycle of people coming and going all the time. This also meant growing up in a school full of international students. I was always exposed to different cultures and different ways of life. This really opened up my mind about life’s possibilities and that almost anything could be possible. It sparked a sense of adrenaline in me and I wanted to prove to myself that I wouldn’t let the fear of something stop me from doing it, hence why I also started fighting Muay Thai. I was always very sporty as a child as well – joined all the sports clubs, went to the gym and kind of established it as a playground, all because I knew how good it made me feel afterwards and I would always try to remember that to help motivate me to go again and again.

I started Muay Thai when I was 13 years old and it was great for my fitness. It made me lose weight and build some strength in my body while also developing my self body IQ by improving my balance and coordination. It also grew my self-confidence because I felt stronger and while training I was always releasing these feel good hormones which improved my mental health and made me appreciate everything I had, so much more. Over the years I had seen so many changes in myself and was becoming the woman I wanted to become which gave me that self-respect I needed. Throughout my period of training I had spoken to so many people who claimed Muay Thai changed their life, it made them fitter, stronger, eat healthier which in turn all led to a better mental state and there was also an aspect of being in that community where we are all motivating each other to push ourselves past our limits. The sport taught me a great deal of discipline and resilience which I have reflected onto things in my daily life and I have seen how it has made me more productive, more driven and more successful. My goal is to help empower people through teaching Thai boxing as a way of fitness, not encouraging them to fight but more to feel the mental benefits it provides.

Many people think Thai boxing is an aggressive sport and are afraid to get hurt. It is a violent sport when you fight, however, when training you don’t need to receive full on contact and most gyms have a very safe environment to train in. People should not be afraid to get bruises or blisters because feeling a little bit of pain here and there is good for you. The human body needs to learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and you can only achieve this by putting yourself through tough situations.

So you can see why having discipline and a strong mindset will help you develop.


Working on my body and my mental wellbeing is one of the best things I can do for myself and I have built a life where I never have to stop doing these things. I love feeling strong and confident but might love helping others feel the same way a little more. Fitness isn’t an end goal, it is a lifestyle.


Growing up in a place where you meet so many travelers sparked my passion for traveling. Hearing other people’s stories and adventures inspired me to travel the world, explore the most beautiful sights this world has to offer and feed my drive for adrenaline with exciting outdoor ventures.


One of the things that drives me is always learning something new. I am not someone that can do the same thing day to day for years - even if it was a great job that provided me with a lot of money, it wouldn’t make me happier and happiness is the best wealth you can have. Forever growing and learning new customs, skills and new cultures is my passion.